York Builders Association Workforce NOW Foundation Inc. | Call Us Today: 717.767.2444
Thank you for submitting your YBA Member Scholarship application! Scholarship recipients will be notified by the end of April. Scholarship awards will be presented to students at their respective school awards program at the end of the school year.
Please provide three adult references using the downloadable forms. Prior to distributing the forms, place your name at the top of the page then place your signature at the bottom of the page. Each reference form is to be sent directly to the YBA Workforce NOW Foundation office by the individual completing the reference. Adult Reference Forms must be returned to the YBA Workforce NOW Foundation office no later than April 1st.
York Excavating Co. LLC
How long have you been a YBA member?
* Year
Involvement in YBA Workforce NOW Foundation
Construction Career Days, Career Fair
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
Southern York County School District
Vice Principal
How long have you been a YBA member?
1 year
Involvement in Workforce NOW
Board of Directors
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
Dallastown Area High School
College, Career, and Transition Coordinator
How long have you been a YBA member?
1 Year
Involvement in YBA Workforce NOW Foundation
Workforce NOW Committee, Event Committee
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
York Builders Association
Executive Vice President
How long have you been a YBA member?
8 years as YBA Executive Vice President
Involvement in YBA
As Executive Vice President, I work closely with the York Builders Association Board of Directors on the strategic direction of the association, manage our talented team of employees, develop the culture of the organization, build relationships with YBA members, the community, and other stakeholders, identify potential sources of income and oversee income generating activities. Prior to my role with YBA, I served as Executive Vice President of the Wayne County Builders Association for 22 years.
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
With direct experience working alongside members in the construction trades for three decades, I see first-hand how the lack of skilled workers impacts the ability to meet consumer demand, ultimately affecting our communities and the economy. I also see evidence of how successful and personally rewarding a career in the skilled trades can be. I am committed to generating awareness about the benefits of working in the skilled trades and inspiring more young people to consider the construction trades as a career path.
Traditions Bank
Business Services Partner. Commercial lending, deposits, and other business products and services.
How long have you been a YBA member?
16 years
Involvement in YBA
Previously served on the Workforce Committee
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
To educate younger generations about the importance of the trades and the viability of a career in the skilled trades.
Other Community Involvement
Finance Committee & Board Member (York Day Nursery), Finance Committee & Board Member (DreamWrights Youth & Family Theatre)
Regal, Inc. - Plumbing, HVAC & Home Automation
General Manager - Running day-to-day operations, building/developing business strategy, and assisting other managers in developing and growing their team.
How long have you been a YBA member?
38 years
Involvement in YBA
Vice President of the York Builders Association, Chair of Workforce NOW Committee
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
As a mechanical contractor that is directly affected by the labor shortage, I am very passionate about developing our youth. I see and feel the impact of what's happening to our trades locally, let alone in America. I chose to partner with the York Builders Association and the Workforce NOW Foundation due to their direct contact with the premier builder and associate members locally that are also directly affected by this. By working together, we can achieve an outcome to boost our local economy and help spread the message that college isn't for everyone and that a career in the trades can be just as valuable, if not more valuable, than earning a college degree.
TC Backer Construction
How long have you been a YBA member?
5 Years
Involvement in YBA
YBA Board of Directors
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
White Rose Settlement Services Inc.
President of White Rose Settlement Services and a founding partner when the company opened in July 1996.
How long have you been a YBA member?
22 years
Involvement in YBA
Board of Directors (Life Director), 2019 Board President, Women’s’ Council of the York County Builders Association, Marketing Committee, Workforce NOW Committee
Why did you get involved with Workforce NOW?
Working directly with the Builders and trades within the YBA has opened my eyes to the dire need for skilled tradesman. We are all part of the same team and when one team member needs help, we all pitch in. The idea to start a program came from necessity. Our industry is aging and we need younger skilled tradesman. It was a simple endeavor for me to support and become involved in the Workforce NOW initiative. I look forward to continuing to promote this amazing Foundation!
Other Community Involvement
Shonna Stock Cardello is the President of White Rose Settlement Services and Inch Settlement Services LLC and a founding partner with the companies. She is a licensed title agent and has earned the designation of Certified Land Title Professional and in 2015 was awarded the National Title Professional designation by the American Land Title Association (ALTA). She is a Life Director of the Pennsylvania Builders Association and a Past President of the York Builders Association. Ms. Cardello was President during the Charter Year of the Women’s’ Council of the York County Builders Association. Shonna currently is a TIPAC Board of Director for ALTA and is the Pennsylvania Trustee, and serves on the Title Action Network (TAN) and Government Affairs committees for ALTA. Shonna serves, and has served, on many committees for the Realtors Association of York and Adams Counties (RAYAC) and the Pennsylvania Land Title Association.
Melissa Longenberger leads the Foundation’s efforts to advance awareness about the skilled trades as a rewarding career path and build connections throughout the community with local organizations, educators, school administrators, employers, and more. She also oversees the Foundation’s efforts to develop resources and programs supporting the mission to empower more students and build our future workforce. In her role as staff liaison, Melissa works closely with the YBA Workforce NOW Board of Directors.
Melissa Longenberger is currently the Executive Director of the YBA Workforce NOW Foundation. She was previously the Vice President of Member Relations for the York Builders Association, where she’s served in a membership role since 2014. Melissa has been at the forefront of the Workforce NOW initiative, including spearheading its inception in 2018.